About Me
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The company
With a strong sense of community and a moral responsibility, our brand was born. Our passion for the environment and unique design brought our vision, and products, to life.
Each product is infused with the elements of aroma, memory, place and beauty traditions from across the globe. These “artifacts” carry with them stories and maps of their discoveries. Always striving to inspire and to be inspired.
EST. 1991

The leader
What that starts with, then, is a design which meets the needs not only of today and tomorrow, but the tomorrow after tomorrow, too, and of any number of tomorrows after that. It is a design which has designs to be, above all, pleasing to wear and satisfying to use, and, all the while, to go about its business in a way best described as unassuming.
Absolutely no hassle. No matter what you spill on it - coffee, oil, cranberry juice, nail polish, you can easily wipe it clean with just soap and water.
From Hagir with Love,
Stores list
New York
Store 1
68 Atlantic Ave St, Brooklyn, NY 90002, USA
(+005) 5896 72 78 79
Store 2
172 Richmond Hill Ave St, Stamford, NY 90002, USA
(+005) 5896 03 04 05
88 Landsome Way St, Stockwell, London 534, UK
(+089) 5896 26 26 27
205 Luckstrabe St, Rummelburg, Berlin 77502, Germany
(+0668) 5896 45 45 46